
This page includes the download links of ebooks related to computer science and engineering. Click on the links below and start downloading.

  1. Computer system Architecture, 3rd edition,by M.Morris mano ebook and solution manual

  2. Digital,Logic And Computer Design - Morris Mano

  3.  Let Us C - YashwantKanetkar

  4. Data structures , algorithms and applications in c++ by sartraj sahani

  5. C - Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt (4th Edition)

  6.  Electronic devices and circuits By Salivahanan

  7.  Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition, by Herbert schildt

  8.  Dr.Dobbs Journal 10 Classical Algorithm Books Set

  9.  Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C - M.A.Weiss

11.  C++: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition 

12. Operating System Concepts - Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagn,7th Edition  

13.  Data and computer communication, seventh edition (William stallings), powerpoint presentations  


14. comprehensive notes on data structures and algorithms in c++ and java
                                          (click on the name to download this book)
                         Data structures gives further more study to understand a computer programming language. C++  is the basic computer programming language that gives structures to any other languages and Java is the one of the important languages playing key role in software programming now a days. This book gives comprehensive notes on data structures and algorithms in c++ and java.

15. Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in Java by Sartaj Sahni ,Powerpoint Presentations
                                    (click on the name to download this book)
                   Data structures gives  further more study to understand a computer programming language . Java is the one of the important languages playing key role in software programming now a days.  These powerpoint presentations gives easy and lucid way of understanding Data structures in  Java  along with Algorithms and  Applications . This powerpoint tutorial is taught by prof. Sartraj sahani of  University of florida.

16. JNTU ADSA Lab Manual and programs
                                       (click on the name to download this book)
                                     This file includes all lab programs of subject  Advanced data structures in c++ and lab manual  prescribed by Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University of Hyderabad for 2/1 semister.
17. Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in c++ by Sartaj Sahni ,programs and exercise solutions
                                       (click on the name to download this book)
                  Data structures gives  further more study to understand a computer programming language . C++  is the basic computer programming language that gives structures to any other languages . " Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in c++ by Sartaj Sahni"  gives easy and lucid way of understanding Data structures in C++  after mastering over basics . This book  is written by prof. Sartraj sahani of  University of florida.

18.  LOGIC AND SWITCHING THEORY (Author- D.Kavitha, Asst.professor,mvsrec)
                                       (click on the name to download this book)
                    Logic and switching Theory is basic study of  digital design of electronic circuits . The book presents the basic concepts used in the design and analysis of digital systems and introduces the principles of digital computer organization and design. It provides various methods and techniques suitable for a variety of digital system design applications and covers all aspects of digital systems from the electronic gate circuits to the complex structure of a microcomputer system . The book is written by Miss. D.Kavitha, Assistant professor of Maturi Venkata Subbarao Engineering College , Hyderabad.

19. Osmaina university data stuctures in c++ lab programs
                                       (click on the name to download this book)
                         This File contains all the C++ data structures lab programs of  2/1 semister prescribed by Osmania University of Hyderabad . It contains programs along with executed output page.